English profile creation in Globe

Submit your request


The URMPM Globe office assists to create your profile homepage in English with the following form and upload in the Globe, after your payment of 50 USD by credit card.

    Sample of English profile

1. Payment manner

1) Send the following information of 2) and 3) by fax to

World Health Risk Management Center (WHRMC) c/o Kato/Ooka Lab. Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
4-6-1- Komaba Meguroku, Tokyo, 153-8505, Japan
(Fax) +81-3-5452-6432


Name, E-mail address, Postal address, Title, Institution, Country:

3) CREDIT CARD Information (Visa and Mastercard are acceptable.)

Card number:
Your name on the card:
Valid date:
Amount of payment: USD equivalent for 5,000 Japanese yen

(Note) Don't send your signature and the secret number of the card!

2. Submission of your data

1) After payment, submit your English date to: URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office

2) After confirmation of your payment, your English homepage will be shown at this Globe within a couple of business days.

3. Revise

Revise of your URL is charged with 50 USD, every time.



Globe's Offices


Editor in Chief of URMPM Globe
      Ryoji Sakai (URMPM Chair)

URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office, Costa Rica
      Shirley V. V. Chaves (URMPM International Secretary)

(WHRMC Office)
(Post) 4-36-2-103 Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
(Email in English) secr-office@umin.ac.jp
(Email in Japanese) jsrmpm-office@umin.ac.jp
(Tel/Fax) +81-3-3817-6770 (81 is a country code of Japan)

(URMPM Information, Registration & Publication Office)
E-mail: secr-office@umin.ac.jp
FAX: +506-292-6136      (506 is a country code of Costa Rica)

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